While the Paris 2024 Olympic Games are a challenge for the athletes participating, they also represent a significant issue in terms of securing the infrastructure intended to host the public. Although it was clear to the Olympic Committee that the games needed to adopt the most advanced technologies, the training of the personnel who would operate this equipment quickly became a focal point.

X-ray imaging equipment has been deemed one of the central technologies in the security apparatus. It is evident that few security agents in France are trained to use such equipment. These devices, historically present in airports, remain uncommon outside the transportation sector. While one of the possible options could have been to “draw” from the pool of airport security agents to ensure the protection of the Olympics, this overlooked the fact that the aviation sector itself struggles to recruit. Thus, many operators chose to train the security agents working during the games in the interpretation of images produced by security equipment.

LOGYX naturally contributed to these training sessions with its tool LOGYX Detect.

LOGYX Detect is a fully online tool that allows for the training of agents responsible for interpreting images produced by X-ray equipment. The image bank, whose content can be tailored to operational constraints (e.g., prioritizing images depicting personal effects rather than luggage for the Olympics), enabled a large number of people to be trained in the timeframe deemed necessary by their employers.

Beyond the image bank, the threat bank could be adapted to the operational context. Thus, while the most obvious threats for such events (firearms, explosive devices…) are present in the images shown, LOGYX Detect allows for customization of the content according to the operational context.

Moreover, in the context of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games, the ability to use the keyboard replicating the functionalities of the machines selected for the event allowed agents to be trained with the ergonomics of the equipment used in the field. Therefore, even if some trainees had never seen a machine before the training, the provision of the manufacturer’s keyboard enabled them to be prepared and trained under conditions that would become their daily routine during the weeks leading up to the events and during the games.


LOGYX is proud to have participated in this French, European, and above all, global event, and wishes the security agents involved and the athletes participating in the events very successful games!